Unshare printer
Revoke sharing your printer
Revoke sharing your printer if you are using Google Cloud Print.
Use cases
- Share a printer for a given time (automate un-sharing)
Click on the bold text in the title of the building block to open the configuration dialog.
Note that you can use Ultradox variables holding the email of the user to share the printer with a user whose email is stored in a variable.
Useful combinations
Share printer only for a workshop
Unshared workshop printer |
During a workshop it is required to print documents from a shared printer. But once the workshop is over the sharing permissions for the participants should be revoked automatically.
First the printer is shared with the workshop participants by having them signing up in a Google Form. Once shared a Timer building block counts down the duration of the workshop. After the workshop is over and the time expired the Unshare Printer building block is executed and the sharing permissions are withdrawn.
Questions and Feedback
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Last Updated: 12/4/17