
Extract a number of items from your list

Keep not selected entries of list


With this building block you can extract a sublist from any loaded list.

Let's say you have loaded 100 rows from a worksheet and sorted them by score. You can then use this building block to only keep the top 10 scores.

Use cases

  • Group rows by email to generate an invoice with matching rows for each user


Click on the bold text in the title of the building block to open the configuration dialog.

In the configuration dialog you can pick the list to be sliced, the starting point and the number of elements to keep.

If you have for example loaded 50 events from a sheet and sorted them by date you can then keep just the first or last events by either counting from the start or the end of the list.

 Output prefix

By using the output prefix you can specify whether you want to change the existing list or if you want to store the sliced list as a new list.

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Last Updated: 20.11.18