Payment request

Create a secure payment request

Let user pay $10.50 with credit card


Requesting a payment from your users has never been easier.

Just add this building block to your flow and enter the required configuration.


You'll need a stripe account in order to use this building block.

Creating a new stripe account is very easy and setting up a test account just takes a few clicks.

Use cases

  • Create an app and charge users for using your service
  • Create a simple payment app and trigger the flow from your website


Click on the bold text in the title of the building block to open the configuration dialog.

Go to your stripe dashboard and copy the secret and publishable key into the matching fields in the dialog.

Enter your legal name, a description of the item you want to sell and a URL to an image.

The image may either be your company logo or an image of the goods you are about to sell. The image should have a size of 128 by 128 pixels.

You can also specify the amount and currency that you want to charge.

You may also want to collect the billing and shipping address of the customer. Collect the shipping address only if you are selling physical goods.

When collecting a shipping or billing address, Ultradox will automatically create a customer in stripe that is connected with the payment.

You can also enable the Remember me option with will greatly improve the user experience on mobile devices.

Validating the postal code will improve the security as additional checks can be performed.


To test your app, please enter the stripe test keys into the dialog box. You will find a number of test card numbers in the stripe docs.

Questions and Feedback

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Last Updated: 11/28/17