Delete row
Remove rows from an existing worksheet
Use cases
- Remove subscribers from a subscription list
- Delete all rows from a sheet
Click on the bold text in the title of the building block to open the configuration dialog.
Click on the reload icon to scan the template again to track down added or removed variables. If you have renamed your template on Google Drive clicking on this button will also update the document name in Ultradox.
Use the edit icon to edit the template in a new browser tab.
When dragging this block into the flow you can either select an existing spreadsheet from Google Drive or you can create a new one. If you choose to select an existing sheet, a file picker dialog will help you to find the sheet on your Google Drive. Creating a new spreadsheet will open the new sheet in a new browser tab.
After selecting the Google Sheet a dialog will pop up where you can specify the row to be deleted.
As you are deleting an existing row you will have to specify the row number to be deleted. This can either be done by providing a fixed number or a variable containing the row number to be removed.
If you are removing a row from your sheet, the subsequent rows will move up and get new row numbers.
Let's say you have added two Delete row
blocks to remove rows 3 and 4 in your sheet. If you first building block removes row 3 all subsequent rows will move up in your sheet so that the row 4 now becomes row 3.
Configure both blocks to remove row 3 to actually remove row 3 and 4 from your sheet.
Useful combinations
Clear worksheet before adding rows
Before adding rows to a sheet you may want to consider clearing existing entries.
Clear old entries by first loading all rows from the sheet and for each row execute the Delete row
building block.
In the settings of the Delete row building block you'll need to set the row to 2
The first row refers to the header row, so the actual data to be deleted starts from row 2
. After deleting the row all subsequent rows move up and get new row numbers so the next time we are deleting the second row we will actually delete the row that previously has been the third row.
Questions and Feedback
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Last Updated: 11/30/17