Copy file

Create a copy of a selected file in your Google Drive

Copy given file with new filename My Document to folder given folder


Use cases

  • Create a copy to keep your original template files (e.g. a monthly timesheet)
  • Create customer individual copies


Click on the bold text in the title of the building block to open the configuration dialog.

Useful combinations

To specify the original file you may for example use the Find file building block. After having selected the original file you need to specify the target folder and name of the file copy.

When working with file templates - for example a monthly time sheet - you would like to create a copy for every employee and every month. Therefore use the Find File building block to find the correct template and create a copy to enter the current data. Also when working with Google Forms you may want to create user specific copy of a source form.

Automatically create template copies for timesheets

Enter timesheet data


Find existing timesheet


Working hours should be recorded for each user. The user data should be separated by month so each employee should have an individual timesheet for every month.

In this example the data is recorded in a form. The data is then added to a timesheet for which the name contains employee name and month. So before the data is added the Find file building block checks if a file for the inserted date and the given employee already exists.

In order not to rely on spelling mistakes the employee make could also be loaded from a worksheet (Load worksheet) or from a Google contacts group (Load contact group) in order to be available as a drop down selection.

Skip execution of 2 blocks if ${timesheetFileId}


In case the file cannot be found the template file used to create a new copy for the relevant timesheet the employee working hours need to be added to.

Find template timesheet


Copy template timesheet


End of skipped blocks

Create row in timesheet


After either the existing timesheet was found or a new file was copied the working hours are added to the given file.

Copy App

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Last Updated: 11/30/18