Create contact

Create a new contact in your GMail address book

Create a new contact in Gmail contacts


Use cases

  • Create a new contact whenever a user submits a form
  • Create contacts from the data in a Google Sheet
  • Import contacts from 3rd party CRM systems into your GMail address book


Use the bold part in the title of the building block to select the contact group from which the contact(s) should be removed.

The input variables of this building block will be used when creating the contact.

Click on the form icon in the input parameter section if you want to enter the data for the new contact manually.

Useful combinations

Create contact when user submits a form

On form submit


Create new contact


You can use the data that your users have entered into a form to populate your newly created contact.

Just make sure that the names of the variables are matching the input variables of the create contact building block.

Questions and Feedback

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Last Updated: 11/28/17