My script

Extend the capabilities of Ultradox

Run script My Script with published URL not selected


Extend the capabilities of Ultradox by creating your own custom building blocks with Google Apps Script. You can use the full feature set of Google Apps Script. You can even access all the available Google Services. Ultradox will handle the authorization process for you.


Click on the bold text in the title of the building block to open the configuration dialog.


Click on the edit icon to edit the script in a new browser tab or window.


Click on the reload icon to scan the Google Form for modified, added or removed fields.

When dropping the My script building block into the flow you can either pick an existing script from Google Drive or you can create a new one.

When creating a new script, Ultradox will create a simple but working script as a starting point on Google Drive and open it in another browser tab.

Once you are happy with your script and want to give it a try, you will have to deploy it as a web app and connect the published version to Ultradox.

Click on the Deploy as web app... item in the Publish menu.

You may have to create a project version of your script if you have not done that before. Make sure to choose User accessing the web app and set the access to anyone so that your script can be used by different users. Click on the Deploy button to publish the script after picking the correct settings.


In the success screen you will find the current web app URL. Select the full URL and copy it to the clipboard.


Once your have the URL in your clipboard switch back to Ultradox and click on the bold text right after the URL in the title. Paste the URL into the text box and click on OK . Ultradox will now load the parameter definitions from your script and will show them in the input and output parameter sections.


 Create form

You can then click on the keyboard icon to create a form if you want to add values for your script parameters.


Questions and Feedback

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Last Updated: 8/4/21