Digital Signature
Adds a digital signature to your PDF documents
Signs the given PDF document with a trusted certificate and prevents any further changes to the document.
You can learn more about digital signatures from our friends at DocuSign.
With Ultradox you can digitally sign generated PDF documents as part of your flow. This will enable you to collect multiple signatures from different signers and finally create legally binding documents.
If you do not set a key, Ultradox signs the document on behalf of the user. The visible signature contains the email of the users and a timestamp, which can be validated in the signing information.
If you set a key, it is used for signing - together with some additional information you can configure then (Location/Reason). The key has to be a JKS file containing a private and signed (by a CA) key. You’ll find information on JKS at Wikipedia. You can also use a key signed by a self-created CA, if you add your CA to your PDF viewer.
Placing the visible digital signature
When digitally signing a document with Ultradox a visible signature will be prepended to the document on an extra page by default.
If you have generated generated the PDF document to be signed from a Google Docs template you can also place the visible signature on top of an electronic signature.
To place the visible signature on top of a rendered signature you’ll have to use the signature renderer when rendering the signature instead of the image renderer:
You can set your own visible signature. It has to be a PNG image hosted on Google Drive. This will always be placed on a prepended page.
After signing the PDF it should no longer be modified by your flow, because that invalidates the signature. Also signing an already locked document is not possible. So if you want to both lock and sign the PDF with a password, you can configure it in this block by clicking do not lock.
Use cases
- Generating trusted documents
Clicking on given file in the title of the building block lets you pick the desired file from your Google Drive to be signed.
You can deselect the picked file by clicking on the x
button on the right of the selected filename.
If no file has been picked, Ultradox will load the given file that is stored in the input variable.
When loading files stored in a variable, make sure that the input prefix matches the output prefix of the building block that provides the document.
Questions and Feedback
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Last Updated: 11/11/19