
Send newsletter to recipients managed with Google Sheets

under construction ...

You are just a few clicks away from having your own newsletter system up and running! The following sections will help you getting started and to customize the example.

Get your free copy of the Newsletter

Getting started

After you have logged in to Ultradox and copied the example to Google Drive, you will find the following files in your project folder:

Open the project folder on google drive

You will find the Newsletter Template that will be used to generate your newsletter, the Confirmation Email Template which contains the contents of the e-mail sent to new subscribers to confirm their e-mail address, the Subscribed Template that users will see after confirming their email and the Unsubscribed Template that will be shown when users unsubscribe from your newsletter.

You will also find a Google Sheet called Newsletter Recipients that will contain the recipients of your newsletter survey and the footer with your Company address. Enter your company address in the worksheet Footer so that it appears at the end of the newsletter. In the worksheet Recipients, the subscribers of your newsletter are automatically listed.

The red Newsletter file is the Ultradox Automation that contains all the actions to be performed whenever a user submits the form.

On the root level of your Google Drive you will also find a file called Copy of Sign Up Form which is the Google Form that the users will fill out to sign up. You may want to rename this file and move it into the Newsletter project folder to keep all files in a single place.


Newsletter Recipients (Google Sheet)

Enter your company address in the Google spreadsheet Newsletter Recipients in the worksheet Footer so that it appears at the end of the newsletter.

Activate the Ultradox Trigger

If a new user subscribes to your newsletter via the subscription form, he or she is automatically entered in the Recipients worksheet in the Newsletter Recipients spreadsheet document and the respective status (New, Subscribed, Opened, Unsubscribed) is updated and displayed.

In order to perform these functions, the table document must be connected to the Ultradox Automation Newsletter via the Ultradox Trigger.

Open the Newsletter Recipients document and activate the trigger.

Embed the signup form into your Website


To embed the signup form into your website click on the Send button in Google Forms, choose the  < >  tab and copy the iframe source code into your website.

Make it yours

To complete your newsletter system, customize the Google Docs templates in text and image to your needs. To preview how your templates will look in the email, open the Ultradox Email Designer in the Google Docs sidebar. The Ultradox Email Designer also makes it easier to work with variables.

The Test-Mode

The Automation Newsletter is preset in Test Mode, so the workspace is green. In this mode, all emails will be sent to your own email address that you are currently logged into your Goolge account with. Before switching to Live Mode, you should test the newsletter system in this mode, e.g. by subscribing to the newsletter with three different email addresses, sending your news and unsubscribing from the mailing list.


The automation is executed in the same way in both modes.

Open the Automation Newsletter, click on the Batch button in the Automation menu bar and select the recipients of your newsletter via the Pick items dialog.

Also, the process can be triggered in the Newsletter Recipients document via the Ultradox Trigger in the sidebar. To do this, select all the corresponding rows and click on the arrow symbol at the bottom right in the Rows selected button.

Send out newsletter

After a successful test run, you can switch the automation to Life-Mode. The Test | Life button is located in the toolbar at the top right. The workspace is now displayed in white.

That's it! You have successfully set up your newsletter system.

Questions and Feedback

If you have any comments on this page, feel free to add suggestions right to the Google document that we are using to create this site.

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Last Updated: 2/27/19