Sending Emails


With Ultradox you can send both plain text or formatted HTML emails.
You can send emails using your
preferred email provider and track delivery, bounces and opens of your emails.

Plain Text Emails

A building block to send out a plain text email can simply be dragged from the left sidebar and dropped into your flow.

A dialog will open that allows you to specify the sender, recipients, subject and body of the email.

Each of the fields may contain variables to personalize your email.

HTML Emails

HTML emails will be generated from either a Google Document or HTML source code.

To send out HTML emails you will first have to add a Google Doc to HTML or HTML to HTML building block.

Then click on the email icon in the additional actions toolbar in the output section of these building blocks to generate and send a formatted email from the selected template[a].

Advanced Options

You email may contain SmartLinks which help you to track user interaction with your email.

You can even trigger Ultradox building blocks or any other action on your own server whenever a user clicks on a link.
Combined with the core building blocks you can create sophisticated follow-up email campaigns, approval flows and more.

[a]I am testing an html email and I am not receiving the preview emails.

Questions and Feedback

If you have any comments on this page, feel free to add suggestions right to the Google document that we are using to create this site.

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Last Updated: 5/29/20