Create contract

The steps below show how to build and run an app that creates a personalized PDF document from a Google Doc template and sends it to selected contacts as an attachment.


  • Load contacts from your GMail address book
  • Create personalized PDF documents
  • Send PDF as attachment


  • You have already added Ultradox to your account so that you can create new Ultradox files from Google Drive


  • Get your first automation up and running


Visit to launch Ultradox. If you are not signed in to Ultradox, you'll be redirected to a page that introduces Ultradox. Click on the Login button to login with your Google account. Select Blank and wait until the blank project opens. A welcome wizard will ask what kind of app you want to create. Click Create new app from scratch and close the wizard. Click on the name of the untitled file and give it a reasonable name, e.g. Send contract.

Load contact

Load one contact with basic fields called the given contact

  • On the sidebar, click Google Contacts to open a sub-menu of building blocks
  • Drag and drop the Load contact(s) building blocks from the sidebar into the empty canvas.
  • Click on the bold text in the title of the building block which says the given contact
  • Your Google contacts address book will open with the contact groups on the left. Pick a contact that you want to use for testing your app.
    The name of the selected contact will now show up in the title of the building block.

Generate PDF

Generate PDF from given file

  • Drag and drop the Google Docs to PDF building block at the end of your flow. Click on Create when prompted to either select or create a template.
  • A new tab will open with an empty Google Doc.
  • Click on Add-ons and open the Ultradox Template Editor sidebar. If the add-on is not yet installed, click on Get add-ons to search and install the template editor.
  • You may want to rename the Google Doc to Contract template by clicking on the name of the new template.
  • As the template is just an ordinary Google Doc you can simply start typing to create your document.
  • Enter the name, address etc. of the contact by clicking on the variables in the sidebar.
  • You can generate a preview of your document at any time by clicking on the eye icon in the sidebar. It will merge the fields from the selected test contact into the generated document.
  • When switching back to the browser tab with the Ultradox editor, you will find the building block generating the PDF document at the end of the flow.

Add an email block

Send email with subject Contract for ${fullName} to ${email}

  • Click on the email icon in the output section of the building block to add an email block sending out this document as attachment.
  • The email block will be added and a dialog opens where you can enter the subject, body and recipient of the email.
    All input fields with a light blue background will accept variables.
    ${email} into the to field of the email to send out the email to the selected contact. When starting to type you will get the available variables in the auto-completion
  • Enter a subject, e.g. Contract for ${fullName} and the body of the email, e.g.
Hello ${givenName},
Attached you will find your contract.

Kind regards
  • Check the attachment to send it with the email. You may want to change the name of the attached file by clicking on the attachment. Change the name to Contract ${familyName}.pdf

Try it out

Switch to test mode and try it out. In test mode all emails will be sent to yourself instead of the selected contacts.

To execute the flow using the selected test contact, select the menu item Run > Run.
All building blocks will be executed from top to bottom and you will receive the email with the contract attached!

To generate and send out contracts to a number of selected contacts select the menu item Run > Batch. Select the contacts in the picker dialog and start the batch process.
A contract will be generated and an email will be sent out to you for each of the selected contacts.

If you are happy with the results, uncheck the test mode to run the flow and send the emails to the email addresses of the selected contacts.

Learn more

To continue learning about Ultradox, take a look at the following resources:

Questions and Feedback

If you have any comments on this page, feel free to add suggestions right to the Google document that we are using to create this site.

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Last Updated: 11/7/17