
Take different routes based on conditions

Ultradox lets you build advanced workflows to run different actions based on conditions you decide.

To keep your flows simple Ultradox comes with different ways to leverage conditions.

To help you build conditions, Ultradox comes with a Condition Builder that allows you to create simple conditions.

Simple conditions

When clicking on the if in the on/off switch, a dialog will open that allows you to create the condition using the condition builder.

You will find all available variables in the dropdown and can compose your condition using the available operators from the dropdown.

In the value field - just as in all blue template fields - you can enter fixed values or variables.

The + sign on the right will allow you to add another partial condition so that the complete condition only is true if the first and the second part is fullfilled.

If you click on the + below the condition, you can add anther partial condition so that the complete condition is true if the first or the second part it true.

JavaScript conditions

If you need even more sophisticatedp conditions, you can switch to the Advanced tab and enter the conditions as JavaScript code.

If you have created a simple condition using the condition builder, you will find a JavaScript version of the condition in the Advanced tab that you can use as a starting point.

As indicated by the green background of the input field you can enter JavaScript code that may contain variables.

If you for example want to execute the block only if the variable plan has the value Gold and the variable age is greater than 21 enter the following condition:

'${plan}' == 'Gold' && ${age} > 21

Ultradox will first replace all variables with their values, so if your variables contain the values Silver and 30 your condition will look like this after evaluating the variables.

'Silver' == 'Gold' && 30 > 21

Ultradox will then evaluate this expression as JavaScript code


To learn how Ultradox handles advanced conditions, you can use the interactive playground.

Adjust the condition in the Template tab or the data in the Data tab and see how the merged JavaScript looks like.

The Result tab contains the evaluated JavaScript code and should contain just true or false.

'${plan}' == 'Gold' && ${age} > 21
"plan" : "Gold",
"age" : 50



Conditional execution

Each block comes with an on / if / off switch. If you just want to execute a single building block based on a condition, this is the easiest way to go.

If you are creating a form with multiple pages (=multiple subsequent form blocks) you can show forms only if a certain option has been selected.

You could also set a condition on a stop block to end the flow if a condition is met. This can make sense if you have a newsletter campaign with timed follow up emails and want to stop the flow if the user unsubscribed in the meantime.

Skip blocks

If you have a number of steps that shall be skipped under certain conditions, the Skip block is the right choice. You'll not have to specify the same condition on each individual building block, but you can simply skip a number of steps and specify the condition right on the skip block.

Skip blocks

End of skipped blocks

If / Else blocks

If you want to execute a different sequence of steps based on conditions, you can use the If / Else blocks. They are the most flexible solution and will make your flow more readable if things are getting more complex.

Executing the following blocks if conditions is met

Otherwise execute the following blocks if conditions is met

End of conditional blocks

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Last Updated: 10/30/18